Saturday 30 April 2011


To abide by rule, principle and custom one follows convention. To disobey rule, principle and custom, one challenges convention. Is it better to live life battling the norms of convention or have a mind as a prison, lacking risk and unpredictability?

The clients, Sigmund Freud and Maria Agnesi will undertake experiments to determine the answer to the hypothesis, experimenting with convention and not convention, inside and outside the square. The attaching form, the cube in the centre of the two structures represents convention, and anything outside this represents one ‘thinking outside the square’, challenging convention.

From the centre of the architecture (the cube and the meeting place), to the very tips of the architecture (the labs) the textures become progressively more natural or abstract, compared to the centre cubes’ texture which is rigid. This signifies one moving away from convention.  This idea is also reflected by the tone’s of the textures; they get darker as one move’s away from the center.

The pathways to the building are distinctive for Freud and Agnesi. One first travels through the landscape (which is somewhat unconventional because it is disorderly and free) and they end up at a bridge leading to the architecture, which is instantly more conventional because it is man-made. This bridge leads to the cube in the centre which represents convention through its texture and shape. From there to the labs, the architecture becomes less and less conventional. This constant play with convention allows the clients to ponder the question in the hypothesis at a higher level.

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